4 Autistic YouTubers You Should Subscribe to Now

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April is Autism Acceptance Month! We’re taking this opportunity to celebrate and uplift autistic digital creators. Many influencers use YouTube to express their creative freedom and share their experiences online. These shared stories can create a community for people that have similar experiences and can also help educate those who don’t know as much about the topic.

It can be overwhelming to find creators you can relate to, resonate with, or learn from. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite autistic Youtubers that generally focus their content on the following areas:

  • Sharing their personal experiences
  • Disability advocacy
  • Helpful advice, tips, and resources for navigating adult life with a disability
  • Disability news

Be sure to check out their videos and subscribe to their channels!

1. Stephanie Bethany

Stephanie is a digital creator who has a variety of informative videos on her channel, including news, tips, resources, and her own personal experience as an autistic woman. You can also find awesome content on her website and social media.

2. Purple Ella

Ella uses her channel to share lifestyle videos, helpful tips and resources, and more. Check out her website for additional information.

3. Asperger’s from the Inside

Paul’s channel dives deep into what life looks like with Asperger’s syndrome. His videos are great resources that offer a lot of helpful information and insights.

4. The Aspie World

On Dan’s channel, he discusses news and resources related to autism, Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, ADHD, and more. He shares his own experiences and includes helpful tips and advice for navigating adult life with a disability. Visit his social media for more content!

Be sure to read about some of our favorite influencers on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Also be sure to read this blog post about Autism Acceptance Month.