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Make a Gift in Honor of Someone Special

Honor the many celebrations of life through a gift that will change the lives of people with developmental disabilities. All donations can be personalized with a card.

Honor the many celebrations of life

Donations made in honor of someone is a thoughtful way for family members and friends to celebrate someone they care for. Donations make great gifts for birthdays, graduations, and Mother’s/Father’s Day. Your gift will show honor to your loved one and will empower individuals with developmental disabilities through AbleLight’s essential programs.

After you donate, you’ll have the choice to send a message your loved one to celebrate! You may send this through an e-card or share the message and our team will send a card in the mail.

Jeff at an AbleLight Day Program

Every gift makes a difference at AbleLight.
Your donation fuels our programs:

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FY24 Congregate
FY24 Infographic: Congregate Living

*All data as of 8/31/24
**Includes people who may also be accessing both AbleLight residential services and community-based programs.

FY24 Shared
FY24 Infographic: Shared Living

*All data as of 8/31/24
**Includes people who may also be accessing both AbleLight residential services and community-based programs.

FY24 Supported
FY24 Infographic: Supported Living

*All data as of 8/31/24
**Includes people who may also be accessing both AbleLight residential services and community-based programs.

FY24 Employment
FY24 Infographic: Employment Support

*All data as of 8/31/24
**Includes people who may also be accessing both AbleLight residential services and community-based programs.

FY24 Day Program
FY24 Infographic: Day Program

*All data as of 8/31/24
**Includes people who may also be accessing both AbleLight residential services and community-based programs.

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