Join in the fun as Cindy and Joanne Cash, plus Mark Alan Cash, bring star power to important cause.
Nashville – Members of Johnny Cash’s family will gather at Johnny’s family farm to record a concert event and tour to recognize National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. The event will be streamed later in the month by Bethesda, a nonprofit Christian provider of supports of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the U.S.
“At Home with the Cash Family” will feature Johnny’s daughter Cindy, sister Joanne and nephew Mark Alan Cash. They will perform some of Johnny’s most popular tunes along with a few originals, as well as offer an exclusive look at one of his favorite places, where many of his legendary songs were written and performed.
A tour of Storytellers Hideaway Farm will be provided by Sally Oxley, the current owner, accompanied by Mike Thirtle, President and CEO of Bethesda. The location, which Johnny called “the center of my universe,” is located west of Nashville on I-40 and is a must-stop for anyone who wants to know more about Johnny and the region’s history.
The gathering will honor and bring attention to the more than 6 million people in the U.S. who have an intellectual or developmental disability. National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month was first proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. While individuals with disabilities have achieved much in recent years, they still face many gaps that must be addressed before they can be fully included in our community. This includes lack of adequate health care, housing, employment and community support.
“At Home with the Cash Family” will be streamed at 8 p.m. ET Thursday, March 18, at At the website you can reserve a seat and receive reminders of the concert. It will also be premiered on Facebook at that time.
About AbleLight
AbleLight is a national leader in pioneering life-changing services that empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to thrive. Founded in 1904 in Wisconsin as a Christian mission, AbleLight promotes independence and inclusion across the U.S. through comprehensive and individualized supports that include housing, employment, spiritual life and much more. For details, go to, like our Facebook page and follow us on LinkedIn.