From the President
Dear Auxiliary Members and Friends,
Bethesda Lutheran Communities Auxiliary Pastoral Counselor Dr. Rev. Martin Koeller chose Isaiah 43:1b “Do no fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” as the theme verse for the Auxiliary for the 2021-2022 year. What a fitting verse for all of us including persons with disabilities – God made everyone, God redeems everyone, and God know the names of everyone. What greater joy is there than to know how much God loves us and takes care of us!
The Governing Board had “zoom meetings” for the September, 2020, meeting, the March, 2021, meeting and the September, 2021 meeting. Zoom meetings are difficult because there is always a lot to do in a small amount of time. It is also difficult for everyone to express their thoughts. I am grateful to God for the zoom meeting opportunity so that business can be conducted and projects chosen. Please see the “projects” information elsewhere in the newsletter.
In this newsletter you will find information on the name change of Bethesda Lutheran Communities to AbleLight. Please look over the information and pray that God will continue to bless the ministry of serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. There is additional information about the name change elsewhere in this newsletter.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a great impact on many things during the past year and a half. The Bethesda Lutheran Communities Auxiliary has been impacted as well. Annual celebrations were not held and unit Board meetings were not held. Fund raising is difficult. The Lord did bless the Auxiliary with over $47,000 of income for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Not too many years ago the income would have been over $100,000. Your love and support for persons served by Bethesda with intellectual and developmental disabilities are greatly appreciated no matter the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
During the summer a scholarship committee chose the scholarship recipients for the 2021-2022 school year. There were seven students who applied for the $15,000 that was budgeted for scholarships for junior and senior college students and seminary students. All seven candidates are pursuing careers in a disability related field. Four students were chosen to receive $3,000 scholarships and three students were chosen to receive $1,000 scholarships! We pray God’s blessings on their school work and experiences this year.
Scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year will be available once again for upper class college and seminary students who are planning a career in a disability related field. The deadline for application will be May 15, 2022. Please go to the Bethesda/AbleLight web page for more information on these scholarships.
The Bethesda Lutheran Communities Auxiliary did have a booth at the LWML Convention in Lexington, Kentucky, in June, 2021. Thank you to the Auxiliary members who worked very hard to share the “Bethesda” story and the work that is done each year by the Auxiliary with the convention attendees.
Prayer is very important for the ministry of Bethesda Lutheran Communities Auxiliary. I am asking all auxiliary members to please pray daily for the people served by Bethesda Lutheran Communities/soon to be AbleLight and their caregivers (direct support professionals). Prayers are also welcome for the Bethesda Executive Team. Please pray for the Board of Directors as they continue their search for a new faithful steward and Christian CEO for the company.
Reaching forward in faith and serving Christ in love,
Gail Nicolaus, President
WANTED: Nominations are needed for three positions
We are currently seeking nominations for President, Vice President and and Treasurer/ Budget Controller. Gail Nicolaus, Linda Koeller and Joyce Voss have served for 2 years and can run again. We would like to present two candidates for each position. Please send your nominations to the chairman of the nominations committee:
Linda Koeller
Make sure you check with the person you are nominating to make sure they approve you putting their name on the list. You can download the nomination form below.
From our Pastoral Counselor: Pastor Martin Koeller
“I was fooled… But now I know”
Something happened to me – someone fooled me! Not only did they fool me, but I still have a hard time believing that what they told me was the truth! I’ll explain in a minute.
Have you ever been fooled? I mean in the sense that you came to believe one thing – someone comes along and tells you the truth – and you refuse to believe the truth because you have believed the falsehood for so long that you can’t let go of it, or don’t want to let go of it?
For many years the people of Israel thought the coming Messiah would be an earthly King who would lead them into battle to defeat their enemies. When Jesus came, He said “Love your enemies” (Matt 5:43) and “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). They had a hard time believing in Him because for so long they were fooled into believing in the wrong type of Messiah.
They expected a king born in a palace, not a manger. He was from Nazareth instead of Jerusalem. They only saw Him as the son of Mary and Joseph. They thought they knew Him, but they were fooled because they did not know all the facts. They probably didn’t hear about the message of the angel to Mary: “you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sin” (Matt 1:21), or hear about the voice from heaven at Jesus’ baptism which said: “This is my son, whom I love” (Matt 3: 17). Even John the Baptist said: “Are you the one…?” to which Jesus gave him the facts: “report to John what you hear and see. The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” (Matt 11: 4-5). When the actions were made known, people understood who Jesus was, and many people were no longer fooled.
We, within the Lutheran church, have come to know the name of Bethesda. The name comes from the Biblical “Pool of Bethesda” which in Hebrew means “House of Kindness.” The pool is where Jesus miraculously healed a paralyzed man (John 5:1).
Since 1904, Bethesda has been a great community ministering to the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We, within the Lutheran church, know the name and what it represents. But outside of the Lutheran church, how many people even know what Bethesda means, what Bethesda Communities does, or know that it is for people even outside of the Lutheran Church? Have we been fooled into thinking everyone knows?
How are they to know the truth? How can we let people know? It begins with a name change: “AbleLight”. People may ask: “What does it mean?” — to which we may explain that it is a community dedicated to helping people of “all abilities” to be ABLE to reach their greatest potential (physically, mentally, and especially spiritually) to let their LIGHT shine in this world, their homes, and their churches. People will come to know AbleLight through its actions.
God’s Word is truth, and it can be trusted! Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God.” God does not lie to us: He does love us; He did send His Son Jesus to die for us; He is watching over us and caring for us every day; He does want nothing less than that we should believe and be saved; and He has prepared a place for us in heaven whereby we may live with Him forever. Those who believe anything less will someday be confronted with these truths.
I told you I was fooled. My wife, Linda, and I were invited over to the home of some friends for Labor
Day dinner. I was asked how I enjoyed the apple crisp, and after eating it I had to admit that it tasted pretty good. It was then that I was told that it wasn’t apple at all, but zucchini! But, I said: “it smells like apple, it looks like apple, and it tastes like apple!” Too bad! It was zucchini! No matter what the world tells you, even if it sounds pretty good, if it conflicts with God’s Word, be assured that God’s Word is the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! Praise be to God!
All are Special in His Sight
by Linda Koeller, Bethesda Auxiliary Vice President
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me in my mother’s womb.” (Ps. 139:13)
“My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.” (Ps. 139:15)

November, 2011, brought into this world, by the grace of God, a beautiful baby girl! Her name is Sophia. She is the daughter of Timios and Elizabeth Cook (daughter of Pastor and Linda Koeller) and brother to Thurman. Sophia, a preemie, spent 3 and ½ months in the NICU, and when she was 2, she was diagnosed with a very rare, inherited disorder, Cohen Syndrome. In November of 2013, Timios and Liz were blessed with a full-term baby girl, Isabelle (Bella). She shares the same syndrome, though both girls fall differently on the spectrum. The disability is characterized by weak muscle tone, developmental delay, intellectual disability, a lower level of blood neutrophils affecting a lower immune system, and in some, vision issues.
“Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Ps. 139:16)
Sophia and Bella are now almost 10 and 8, respectively. They can both walk, and though they can say very few words, their receptive language is very evident. They are loved and cared for, unconditionally, by great parents who embrace the challenges, and depend on their Lord for strength. Thurman, their big brother, loves, helps, and entertains them. Their smiles and giggles radiate joy!
“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: ….he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.”( Romans 12:6a, 8b).
The whole family is blessed with an LCMS Pastor and congregation (Christ Lutheran, Augusta, Missouri) who accept and embrace them. As they receive a blessing at the communion rail, sit on a parishioner’s lap during the service, and are invited to run toward the cookies afterward during fellowship, they, as well as the members, experience the love of Christ, who includes and accepts all!
“I praise you, for I am wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (Ps. 139:14)
We are so thankful for Bethesda and Bethesda Auxiliary, whose mission is to include people of all abilities, providing ways for knowing their Lord and Savior, Jesus, not leaving one behind!

Bethesda Auxiliary News from State Chapters
IDAHO – Report from Marilyn Kramer
From May to July, donations had been coming in very slowly to our unit. In July one of our local churches closed its doors, due to low membership, and sold their building. The charter member’s family members voted on how to apportion the funds. One of the families had a mentally challenged individual. That family voted to send $10,000 of the funds to our Idaho Unit Auxiliary. Thus we were able to submit that amount to the Auxiliary in memory of Bradley. Praise the Lord for this large donation! Not much has been taking place in our unit – no annual meeting or board meetings. We do plan to have a board meeting following this meeting.

COLORADO – President’s Report – Kenetha Mann
The Colorado unit has had many challenges this past year. With COVID-19 we have not been able to have our sales in the Denver area at various churches. We did have (1) large sale in the Denver area, and (1) large sale in the Northeast area of Colorado. We are brainstorming on new ways to market our safe COVID-19 sales in 2021. Not much has been taking place in our unit – no annual meeting or board meetings. We do plan to have a board meeting following this meeting. The Mountain Home ladies are gearing up for their very successful holiday sale held each year around Thanksgiving in the Denver area, and maybe continue to have 2 or 3 large sales instead of going to the individual churches. We also are trying to figure out how to have quarterly meetings for our board members. We were having them in Brighton CO; however, with COVID we haven’t been able to do that. We all are in a holding pattern. With everything being said we are hoping to get back to somewhat normal meetings and sales in 2021. God is in control and has a plan for us, we just don’t know what that is as of right now.
OREGON – President’s Report – Terry Putnam
As a member of Bethesda Auxiliary’s Scholarship Selection committee I received, studied, and prayed about which of the applicants seemed to be fully committed to a vocation in ministry with people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Also considered was the financial need of each applicant. The rankings and suggested amount of aid to be given was sent to President Gail Nicolaus.
As Bethesda Auxiliary’s volunteer grant writer, I was appointed by President Gail to serve with herself and Linda Koeller to serve on a committee to study the grant situation. Three of the district LWML grants that I wrote for the Leadership project were voted to be funded. This project had been funded by the WA-AK district the previous biennium. Our Lord greatly blessed 16 the of the Bethesda clients who received the opportunity to share the Gospel and their faith story, as well as those who heard these dear ones share their love of Jesus. I have been investigating various options of how this project could be continued and will continue to work on this and share my findings with the committee.

Also, a grant from the previous biennium for printing more of the Wonderfully Made pamphlets is still viable and Linda Koeller is investigating how Bethesda Auxiliary might proceed. No decision has to be made at this September Board meeting as more information is still needed on both projects. Please pray for God to show us His plan. An Oregon Unit news-update was emailed to all members and LWML societies, and hard copies were sent to those members not having computers or smart phones.

I responded to inquiries from members about various situations, as best I could. I nominated OR Unit Cross and Bell Award recipients and presented the Cross and Bell wooden plaque and framed certificate to Rev. Wil Gehrke and the late Mrs. Karen Gehrke. The presentation was Sunday, August 22, 2021, at the end of the worship service at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Cornelius. Also being celebrated was the 50th Anniversary of Rev. Gehrke’s ordination. His three daughters were present and hosted a reception.
On July 8th and 10th, I hosted a “Memories from Grandmother’s Kitchen” Tea-Luncheon to benefit people with I/DD. Missionary Deaconess Danelle Putnam, home on furlough, was the guest speaker. She shared pictures of the disability ministry in the Dominican Republic and gave an update on the group home “kids”, who are thriving. She thanked Bethesda Auxiliary members for their faithful prayers and financial support of the group home.
I am thankful to the Lord for Bethesda Auxiliary and our BLC homes being well-known in Oregon. Bethel Lutheran Church in Sweet Home, Oregon, has closed and sold their property. They gave a sizeable gift to BLC. Our Re-Rug maker, Gail Anderson, continues to make the beautiful rugs, and they continue to sell. I took several to Montana this summer, in the colors requested.
Continue to pray for the “future” of Bethesda Auxiliary and for the Lord to show us His plan and alternative ways to be in ministry with all people living with I/DD.
Bethesda to Become AbleLight
Since its beginning in 1904, Bethesda has been there to care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. From Watertown, Wisconsin, and then across the nation, the mission has always been clear – to enhance the lives of people through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Everything has been made possible through the efforts and generosity of volunteers including the Bethesda Auxiliary, staff, and donors.
Now, Bethesda is undergoing an ambitious but necessary transformation that will allow for the delivery of new, life-changing services – all while reaching more people than ever before through its Christian mission. Part of this evolution is a name change. Team Bethesda is excited to announce that as of January 10, 2022, Bethesda will become AbleLight.
While the current name has served the organization well over the years, it also has its limitations.
- Hundreds of churches share the name Bethesda, along with a city in Maryland, a well-known video game company, and numerous health care organizations; this causes confusion, particularly when trying to find Bethesda online.
- Including “Lutheran” in our name can be misleading, as it might make some think Bethesda only serves members of that faith community, when all are served, regardless of faith affiliation.
- As for the word “Communities,” it downplays Bethesda’s expertise and leadership by implying the presence of only physical locations (i.e., group homes) instead of the boasting the wide array of services Bethesda actually offers.

Bethesda carefully discerned its path forward after considering the viewpoints of many stakeholders, including people supported and their families, employees, donors, and volunteers. A thoughtful process included the review of more than 1,000 name choices. With the approval of the Board of Directors, Bethesda moved forward in earnest with a rebranding process this summer.
The new name, AbleLight, unites two key words to encapsulate a commitment to creating a brighter future for people with disabilities. “Able” speaks directly to the idea that all people have abilities that are inherently valuable—abilities that make a positive difference in a world when ignited and allowed to flourish. And “light” is symbolic of a desire to be the beacon of light for people with developmental disabilities and also represents the “light” that Jesus brings to people in need.
Bringing “Able” and “Light” together reflects the organization’s leadership and commitment to changing the world for people with disabilities. AbleLight’s purpose is simple: The world shines brighter when people with intellectual and developmental disabilities achieve their full potential.
Looking ahead, AbleLight will follow three principles:
- Open arms—We include all people, cherish the opportunity to improve lives, and humbly accept our responsibility to lead by example. Guided by our Christian mission, we welcome, serve, and love every person.
- Innovation for good – Leading the advancement of our field for the benefit of those we serve, we set the standard for excellence with a bold and relentless approach to innovation. Inherent in our DNA is a drive for continuous progress to make life-changing impact.
- Support for the whole person—We move beyond expectations, addressing the whole person so everyone can make the most of their abilities. With expertise across a truly unmatched set of services, we address the total well-being of every person.
You can learn more about this exciting news at
Auxiliary Projects 2021-2022
Bethesda Auxiliary donation brings technology to homes
A generous donation by the Bethesda Auxiliary will increase independence for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities using technology. More than 100 Apple iPads and Amazon Echo Show devices are being distributed and installed in homes in several states, including Colorado and Minnesota.
While the devices themselves are relatively common, it’s Bethesda’s approach to implementing their use that is special. Each individual is assessed on their goals and abilities, and technology and training are provided to help them meet those goals. Bethesda staff is right there every step of the way. These devices can provide important reminders, assist with communication, and help people with I/DD control their environment, all to make life safer, easier and more fulfilling. All devices should be deployed by the end of the year.
Bethesda Auxiliary Projects 2021-2022
Bethesda Auxiliary Scholarships – $15,000
Scholarships for junior and senior college students and seminary students who are pursuing a career in a disability related field.
Dominican Republic Home – $5,000
Supporting the needs of 6 young adults in their group home. These young people who were once orphans are now part of the family of God and are thriving members of the community.
Bethesda College Student Scholarships – $20,000
Bethesda College is a part of Concordia University, Mequon, Wisconsin. Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities attend college classes at the university, live in the dorms, participate in activities and even graduate from Bethesda College. These students are private pay and the cost of one-year’s college is over $40,000. The $20,000 project will be divided equally among all students participating in the Bethesda college program. Bethesda College is a wonderful life-changing experience for these students, but also seems to have a great impact on the other students at the college as they actually get acquainted with a person with some sort of disability.
Future Leaders Program – $3,000
This money was previously budgeted for a school participating in the Future Leaders program. The money will be awarded to the school when there is a successful completion of the project.
Support the Auxiliary through Amazon Smile and Thrivent Choice
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Bethesda Lutheran Communities Auxiliary every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for computers, iOS and Android phones. When you shop with AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to BLCA.
Look for BLCA at or tap Charity Lists on the “Programs & Features” menu in the Amazon Shopping app on your computer, tablet (not iPads) or mobile phone. To date, Amazon’s Smile program has contributed $321,230,298.08 to charities around the world.
And those of you who have products with Thrivent Financial, be sure to take advantage of their Thrivent Choice program which allows you to contribute to BLCA using their gifting, at no cost to you. Go to and click on the Generosity Box to learn more about their gifting programs.