Looking forward to 2020
We had a transformational year in 2019 with your support, encouragement and prayers. It was a year in which we provided more chances for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live lives of independence and promise.
Of course, a quality home is the base for all endeavors, and in this issue you’ll read about people we support who feel at home with Bethesda—Jenni and Dillon. You’ll also learn more about Bethesda Cornerstone Village, a first-of-its-kind initiative in the U.S. opening in Minnesota later this year. It will bring adults 55 and older together with people with disabilities in one community. By providing an array of housing options, we aim to ensure that everyone we support feels their home is a fit for their needs.
In addition, you’ll see how we plan to make the most of National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in March by taking our outreach to a whole new level.
Finally, as we look to all that 2020 promises, I am very hopeful for the future of our organization. We have made great strides with not only homes, but also technology and reimagining the services and supports we provide. We are doing better financially. And we are living out our mission—to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. I look forward to connecting with you again on progress. Happy New Year and the best to you and yours this winter season.
Mike Thirtle, PhD
President & CEO Bethesda
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
– Galatians 6:2 NIV