Embracing inclusion during Disability Employment Awareness Month

Ana receives Employment Support from AbleLight

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). It’s a time to celebrate and raise awareness around the contributions and capabilities that individuals with disabilities bring to the workforce. It’s also a time to highlight the value and importance of having access to meaningful employment opportunities.

Individuals with developmental disabilities often have the ability, desire, and willingness to work and build a career but may struggle to find an opportunity. In the U.S., only one in three adults with a developmental disability aged 21-64 are employed, and 21% of these individuals are paid below minimum wage.* There are multiple contributing factors as to why this imbalance exists, including societal stigma and unconscious bias towards individuals with disabilities.

Having access to meaningful employment is important for everyone – pursuing a career in a field of personal interest contributes to a person’s sense of identity, purpose, and pride, fostering a life where they feel secure and valued in their community. Having a job also helps individuals with disabilities become more independent and self-sufficient in their personal lives.

At AbleLight, we are taking this opportunity to celebrate the spirit of inclusion and to showcase the tangible and strategic advantages that businesses gain when they embrace inclusivity in the workplace.

Supported Employment Services at AbleLight

At AbleLight, we’re committed to ensuring every person we support can achieve their goals. That’s why we offer Supported Employment Services. In this program, we work with individuals with developmental disabilities and help them find meaningful employment opportunities and achieve their career goals. This can include job training, assistance with job placement, and ongoing support in the workplace. The goal is to enhance each person’s skills, promote independence, and create a sense of belonging and purpose through meaningful employment. Individuals in this program can discover their unique interests, skills, and passions!

Employing individuals with disabilities at AbleLight

Providing meaningful employment opportunities and job support helps the people we support to flourish in their communities. We understand that everyone has their own unique goals and needs, and our team is dedicated to providing the support that best suits everyone’s individual needs.

AbleLight Thrift Shops offer job opportunities for people with developmental disabilities in their own local communities. We’re committed to the idea that they can live independent and purposeful lives and flourish in their communities. We reserve 25% of our Retail Associate roles in our AbleLight Thrift Shops for individuals with developmental disabilities, and we’re proud to offer these meaningful opportunities!

Why should businesses employ individuals with disabilities?

One way to get involved during NDEAM is to learn more about employing individuals with disabilities in your own business. In addition to providing meaningful and impactful opportunities for these individuals, there are a variety of other benefits, including:

  1. Varying perspectives and problem-solving: Employees with developmental disabilities often bring unique perspectives and problem-solving skills to their job. Thinking differently can lead to creative solutions and improve the company’s innovation and problem-solving capabilities.
  2. Loyalty and reduced turnover: Studies have shown that employees with disabilities tend to have high job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. This can reduce recruitment and training costs while creating a stable and committed workforce.
  3. Strong work ethic: Many individuals with developmental disabilities are known for their dedication. They take pride in their work and are highly reliable, which can positively influence the company’s productivity and overall work culture.
  4. Positive team dynamics: Including employees with disabilities fosters an inclusive and supportive work environment and leads to greater teamwork, empathy, and a more positive company culture that’s good for all employees.

Get involved!

Stay tuned throughout the month as we continue to share stories about individuals who are currently thriving in our Supported Employment Services!

Check out other NDEAM resources to learn more:


[10] Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 39 (2013) 157–165; DOI:10.3233/JVR-130658 IOS Press; National snapshot of adults with intellectual disabilities in the labor force; Gary N. Siperstein∗, Robin C. Parker and Max Drascher; University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, USA; Revised/Accepted: July 2013
