Mother’s Day is upon us, and this year, we want to pay a special tribute to all the moms of children with disabilities.
Moms like Lori, whose son Anthony has Down Syndrome. Lori remembers vividly the day Anthony realized he was different—when all he wanted to do was play street hockey with the neighbors but just couldn’t keep up.

“He sat down in the grass and cried,” said Lori. “And I sat down and cried with him.”
But Lori never gave up, and neither did Anthony, who today has dozens upon dozens of Special Olympics medals and who still plays sports all year round.
“Every challenge, he’s met and exceeded it,” said Lori.
And then there’s Marilyn, who raised a daughter with disabilities and now is raising her 23-year-old grandson, Carl, who has autism. The two clearly adore each other, and their relationship is full of playful ribbing.

“She’s the big reason I graduated high school,” he said.
“He challenges me, but he’s also a delight,” said Marilyn. “I am so proud of Carl.”
And we would be remiss if we didn’t mention Roma, who is mom to her own children, but also to Chris, who lives with her as part of the host home program. Chris struggled to find a place to live, bouncing around among family members and various roommates, never finding a place where he belonged—until he met Roma and learned what a true home is.
“She’s the best mom I ever had,” said Chris.
To these moms and all the moms out there who are raising amazing people with disabilities. Who take challenges in stride and never stop fighting for their kids. And who know their kids’ disabilities only make them more beautiful—God bless you.